
Thursday, July 31, 2014

A God Who Believes in You . . .

" Most people believe in God, they just don't believe in a God who believes in them."
Communion. . . is fifth in the Conversations With God series of inspirational books, written by author Neale Donald Walsch.  Books from the series have graced the New York Times best selling list and continue to receive attention, both positive and negative, from fans and critics respectively.

Don't make the mistake of brushing aside this book based on critical reviews from sources like Publishers Weekly. Their sales and political agenda aren't served by expressing an honest appreciation or experience of this material. Especially as their continued success is built on maintaining the world paradigm that currently exists.  Their opinions need to be jaded enough to satisfy religious followers that Publishers Weekly, and others like them, don't personally subscribe to the kinds of heretical views and alternative thinking a book like Communion With God invites. These conversations between Neale and God are deeply compelling, and Communion stands proudly with its fellows as being a soul shaping, thought bending and inspirational read.

Communion with God is less conversational than the previous five books, taking a first person narrative approach, as though from the voice of God. Some objection has been made by other reviewers over the change in tone this approach creates, but I found the effect compellingly meaningful. This conversation became more personally empowering for me than the other books were.  I left it feeling as though I had the ability to change my life experience.

In Communion, the God voice is very forthright in addressing "ten illusions of humans" and how each of these illusions has shaped history, leading us further and further away from an authentic relationship with God, and or rather, Life.  If you are threatened by the New Thought movement, or by exploring alternate ideas about the nature of God, humanity and even reality -as presented by the religious and even political powers that be, this is not going to be comfortable reading. However, if you take enjoyment in exploring new perspectives and paths of understanding, this book is going to thrill your spiritual socks right off! It might even make you a believer.

The ten illusions of humans, as examined in this conversation, are likely to challenge and change the readers understanding of reality in a very liberating and inspirational way. There isn't much in life that holds more reward than discovering a broader perspective and readers are going to find rejecting the insights offered into human spirituality and the nature of reality difficult. Well, that is unless the reader's ego, religious, or financial investment is in maintaining the status quo.

I highly recommend reading Communion With God, as the experience will be a life changing opportunity for any and all readers.  People with or without faith and religious beliefs will be moved and challenged by the insights offered. Even if you are a die hard religious fundamentalist, there is merit to be found in examining the illusions of humans and the world created out of them as presented in Communion With God.

Communion With God gets both thumbs up, and a blue ribbon of excellence from this reader.

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