Tisha Morris is the author of 27 Things to Feng Shui Your Home
. In her book, Tisha shows in creative, basic steps how to use the art of feng shui to create an inviting, personal atmosphere in your home that will renovate your life. You will discover how to:
• Manageably clear clutter to optimize space
• Use lighting, color, and simple objects to create good energy flow
• Space clear to promote good health
• Integrate the five elements into your home to create harmony
Here is the lineup for Tisha's virtual book tour:
May 11 has two stops to kick off the tour:
• Day one of a five-day blast on Successful Woman, http://asuccessfulwoman.com/
with an article titled "5 Steps to Clearing Clutter." Follow this blogger on Twitter: @monicadear
• Tisha will also be featured on Writers in the Sky Blog http://yvonneperry.blogspot.com/. Follow WITS at
May 12 has two stops
• Day two of a five-day blast on A Successful Woman will feature an article titled "The Art of Detaching From Our Stuff."
• Positively Present shows readers "5 Steps to Clearing Clutter." Follow Dani on Twitter @positivepresent.
May 13 Day three of five-day blast on A Successful Woman with "Why Change is Essential to Healing."
May 14 has two stops:
• Day four of five-day blast on A Successful Woman "Feng Shui Your Desk for Success"
• Podcast Interview on WITS hosted by the new author's assistant and podcast coordinator Vonnie Faroqui http://yvonneperry.blogspot.com/ Follow Vonnie on Twitter: @inkslngrswhmz.
May 15 Day five of five-day blast on A Successful Woman shares why you may be having a sudden urge to de-clutter your home.
May 16 Equinaut blog http://www.equinaut.net/ will carry an article called "The Art of Detaching From Our Stuff." Follow blog owner Amy on Twitter.
May 17 discusses why we hang on to certain things.[Information for this blog host was removed by request on 12/16/10.]
May 18 has two stops:
• Universal Spiritual Connection hosted by Leilani Schmidt-Graham will feature Tisha as a Web radio guest from 6 to 8 p.m. Pacific Time.
• Blogging Authors operated by Irene Watson will run an exclusive article "Writer's Guide to Feng Shui Your Workspace." Follow Irene on Twitter: @readerviews.
May 19 Nickolove Lovemore's blog, Skyline Coaching,will offer an article, "Why Change is Essential to Healing.
May 20 On One Writer's Journey, Penny Ehrenkranz will offer her opinion of 27 Things to Feng Shui Your Home in a book review. Follow Penny on Twitter at @pennyekrenkranz.
May 21 On Chelle Cordero's Promo Page, Chelle Cordero will feature the book review she wrote for 27 Things. Follow her on Twitter: @ChelleCordero
May 22 Julie Achterhoff's Blog (http://earthwalkr.wordpress.com/) shares a unique article "What does the movie Avatar have in common with Feng Shui? Follow Julie at @erthwlkr
May 23 Shelagh Jones will share her book review of 27 Things on her blog, Wheel of Life. Follow @SpiritusShelagh on Twitter.
May 24 Inside JobJail.com with Stuart Friedman will feature an interview with Tisha: "Want to Change Your Job? Change Your Energy!"
May 25 Join Southside Broadcasting with Alex Lewczuk, as the tour crosses the Atlantic with another great Tisha Morris interview. Follow Southside on Twitter @southsidebroadc
May 26 has two stops
• Lisa Haselton's Reviews and Interviews will share a Q and A interview with Tisha. Follow Lisa at @lisajjackson
• Catheryn Taylor hosts an article about "Making a House a Home for Children" at Inner Child Healing and EFT followed by an interview with Tisha on her show Take a Soul Step over Blog Talk Radio at 5 P.M. CST.
May 27 The Wheel of Life Podcast with Shelagh Jones http://www.thewheeloflife.org/. Follow @shelagh on Twitter.
May 28 WITS' own Vonnie Faroqui will host a book review on Ink Slinger's Whimsey . Follow Vonnie on Twitter: @inkslngrswhmz.
May 29 Douglas H. Melloy will air an interview with Tisha on Aware Talk Radio:
May 30 Dallas Woodburn's Writing Life will feature a special article: "5 Tips to Clear Clutter for Writers."
May 31 Nancy Kelly Allen will host Tisha on Writing Workshop with a Q and A interview.
June 1 Writers in the Sky Newsletter will feature a book review written by a team member.
June 2 Chelle Cordero's Promo Page is back for another round with a special article "Our Divine Feminine: How to Navigate in the New World."
June 3 One Writer's Journey. Penny Ehrenkranz offers a Q and A interview.
June 4 Maxine Thompson, owner of Black Butterfly Press, will feature a book review of 27 Things.
Follow Maxine on Twitter: @safari61751
June 5 Yvonne Perry will publish her book review for 27 Things on her writing blog at http://yvonneperry.blogspot.com/
June 6 Vonnie Faroqui, the owner of Ink Slinger's Whimsey blog at http://www.inkslingerswhimsey.blogspot.com/
will feature an article: "A Writer’s Guide to Feng Shui Your Workspace." Follow Vonnie at @inkslngrswhmz on Twitter.
June 7 The Shift Guru, Barbara Joye, will feature her Q and A interview with Tisha on http://shiftguru.wordpress.com/. Follow her at @theshiftguru.
June 8 Real life Spirituality with Akemi Gaines at http://reallifespirituality.com/ has a unique insight to offer in an article titled "What Do Ascension and Clearing Clutter Have in Common?"
June 9 Tisha is back for another interview with Leilani Schmidt-Graham on her Live Web Radio! show Angels Among Us http://www.bbsradio.com/theusc/the_usc.php
June 10 Tales, Tails, enTrails with Irfan Faroqui will feature a written question and answer interview with Tisha.
June 11 Laurel Marshfield's blog, Your Book Your Self, http://www.yourbookyourself.blogspot.com/ will offer a "Writer's Guide to Feng Shui Your Workspace." Follow Laurel at @BookEditorLM.
For even more information about marketing your book online, read Book Marketing in the Digital Age, Online Promotion Made Easy.
Purchase Now!
• Manageably clear clutter to optimize space
• Use lighting, color, and simple objects to create good energy flow
• Space clear to promote good health
• Integrate the five elements into your home to create harmony
Here is the lineup for Tisha's virtual book tour:
May 11 has two stops to kick off the tour:
• Day one of a five-day blast on Successful Woman, http://asuccessfulwoman.com/
with an article titled "5 Steps to Clearing Clutter." Follow this blogger on Twitter: @monicadear
• Tisha will also be featured on Writers in the Sky Blog http://yvonneperry.blogspot.com/. Follow WITS at
May 12 has two stops
• Day two of a five-day blast on A Successful Woman will feature an article titled "The Art of Detaching From Our Stuff."
• Positively Present shows readers "5 Steps to Clearing Clutter." Follow Dani on Twitter @positivepresent.
May 13 Day three of five-day blast on A Successful Woman with "Why Change is Essential to Healing."
May 14 has two stops:
• Day four of five-day blast on A Successful Woman "Feng Shui Your Desk for Success"
• Podcast Interview on WITS hosted by the new author's assistant and podcast coordinator Vonnie Faroqui http://yvonneperry.blogspot.com/ Follow Vonnie on Twitter: @inkslngrswhmz.
May 15 Day five of five-day blast on A Successful Woman shares why you may be having a sudden urge to de-clutter your home.
May 16 Equinaut blog http://www.equinaut.net/ will carry an article called "The Art of Detaching From Our Stuff." Follow blog owner Amy on Twitter.
May 17 discusses why we hang on to certain things.[Information for this blog host was removed by request on 12/16/10.]
May 18 has two stops:
• Universal Spiritual Connection hosted by Leilani Schmidt-Graham will feature Tisha as a Web radio guest from 6 to 8 p.m. Pacific Time.
• Blogging Authors operated by Irene Watson will run an exclusive article "Writer's Guide to Feng Shui Your Workspace." Follow Irene on Twitter: @readerviews.
May 19 Nickolove Lovemore's blog, Skyline Coaching,will offer an article, "Why Change is Essential to Healing.
May 20 On One Writer's Journey, Penny Ehrenkranz will offer her opinion of 27 Things to Feng Shui Your Home in a book review. Follow Penny on Twitter at @pennyekrenkranz.
May 21 On Chelle Cordero's Promo Page, Chelle Cordero will feature the book review she wrote for 27 Things. Follow her on Twitter: @ChelleCordero
May 22 Julie Achterhoff's Blog (http://earthwalkr.wordpress.com/) shares a unique article "What does the movie Avatar have in common with Feng Shui? Follow Julie at @erthwlkr
May 23 Shelagh Jones will share her book review of 27 Things on her blog, Wheel of Life. Follow @SpiritusShelagh on Twitter.
May 24 Inside JobJail.com with Stuart Friedman will feature an interview with Tisha: "Want to Change Your Job? Change Your Energy!"
May 25 Join Southside Broadcasting with Alex Lewczuk, as the tour crosses the Atlantic with another great Tisha Morris interview. Follow Southside on Twitter @southsidebroadc
May 26 has two stops
• Lisa Haselton's Reviews and Interviews will share a Q and A interview with Tisha. Follow Lisa at @lisajjackson
• Catheryn Taylor hosts an article about "Making a House a Home for Children" at Inner Child Healing and EFT followed by an interview with Tisha on her show Take a Soul Step over Blog Talk Radio at 5 P.M. CST.
May 27 The Wheel of Life Podcast with Shelagh Jones http://www.thewheeloflife.org/. Follow @shelagh on Twitter.
May 28 WITS' own Vonnie Faroqui will host a book review on Ink Slinger's Whimsey . Follow Vonnie on Twitter: @inkslngrswhmz.
May 29 Douglas H. Melloy will air an interview with Tisha on Aware Talk Radio:
May 30 Dallas Woodburn's Writing Life will feature a special article: "5 Tips to Clear Clutter for Writers."
May 31 Nancy Kelly Allen will host Tisha on Writing Workshop with a Q and A interview.
June 1 Writers in the Sky Newsletter will feature a book review written by a team member.
June 2 Chelle Cordero's Promo Page is back for another round with a special article "Our Divine Feminine: How to Navigate in the New World."
June 3 One Writer's Journey. Penny Ehrenkranz offers a Q and A interview.
June 4 Maxine Thompson, owner of Black Butterfly Press, will feature a book review of 27 Things.
Follow Maxine on Twitter: @safari61751
June 5 Yvonne Perry will publish her book review for 27 Things on her writing blog at http://yvonneperry.blogspot.com/
June 6 Vonnie Faroqui, the owner of Ink Slinger's Whimsey blog at http://www.inkslingerswhimsey.blogspot.com/
will feature an article: "A Writer’s Guide to Feng Shui Your Workspace." Follow Vonnie at @inkslngrswhmz on Twitter.
June 7 The Shift Guru, Barbara Joye, will feature her Q and A interview with Tisha on http://shiftguru.wordpress.com/. Follow her at @theshiftguru.
June 8 Real life Spirituality with Akemi Gaines at http://reallifespirituality.com/ has a unique insight to offer in an article titled "What Do Ascension and Clearing Clutter Have in Common?"
June 9 Tisha is back for another interview with Leilani Schmidt-Graham on her Live Web Radio! show Angels Among Us http://www.bbsradio.com/theusc/the_usc.php
June 10 Tales, Tails, enTrails with Irfan Faroqui will feature a written question and answer interview with Tisha.
June 11 Laurel Marshfield's blog, Your Book Your Self, http://www.yourbookyourself.blogspot.com/ will offer a "Writer's Guide to Feng Shui Your Workspace." Follow Laurel at @BookEditorLM.
For even more information about marketing your book online, read Book Marketing in the Digital Age, Online Promotion Made Easy.
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